We are in the midst of the fall season, which means cooler temperatures and an excess amount of leaves on your lawn. It is probably now your favorite activity, but it is essential that you take proper care of your lawn, so that it will remains healthy through the winter and into springtime. Everyone wants fresh green grass once the April and May roll around. There are a few simple ways you can care for your lawn, so it stay fresh and nutrient-rich all year long.
Remove Leaves
Raking leaves from your lawn is an obvious activity for every homeowner, but some dread the thought of taking out the rake. It essential to rake leaves before they leave all of your trees bare because if you wait too long, they can get wet and leave fungus on your grass. It is best to develop a system where you can efficiently remove leaves from your lawn where it is clear for the winter. An effective alternative to raking is operating a lawnmower with a collection bag, which is especially helpful for large acre lawns.
Continue to Water and Mow
Don’t stop watering and mowing your lawn until the first hard frost appears on your grass. It is essential that your lawn gets at least an inch of water a week and that you keep your grass at two and a half to three inches tall. If your grass is too tall by the time winter comes around, then it will get matted, and fungus will grow. Cutting your grass too short abrupts the root system causing your lawn to dry up and be unhealthy in the spring.
Fertilizer is Key
You should apply fertilizer once a year during the fall season so you can give proper nutrients to the grass to grow deep roots. Once spring comes around, you will have long, healthy grass that will make your lawn look beautiful. Wait until late fall to apply a dry fertilizer across your whole lawn. Make sure not to miss any spots during application because you don’t want to have any dry patches on your lawn.
Choose Edwards Lawn & Home
For the past ten years, Edwards Lawn and Home has been offering premier residential and services to improve your property all year long. The options are endless from a new patio to a backyard fire pit, let the winners of Angie’s List Super Service Aware serve you! If you’re interested in finding out more about our services or getting a quote, you can contact us online or give us a call at 443-341-6539. For more information about our services or DIY tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and Houzz.